Calculation of emission paths that meet a given budget
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version:   52.0 19.07.2023 Download: Mathematical Description of the Regensburg Model Scenario Types: published on
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4568839 platform zenodo
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Version history
Version Changes
52.0 Formatting changes
51.0 Error calculation "Year emissions neutrality" corrected
50.0 Macro 'Goal Seek' improved
49.0 Input of actual emissions 2022 enabled
48.0 VBA project signed with a certificate
47.0 Macro 'Goal Seek' improved
46.0 Formatting changes
45.0 Entry of actual emissions 2021 enabled
44.0 Sheets "sample data", "EU27" and "GER" hidden (these are no longer maintained); in the sheet "base data" a database with emission data is offered for download at Zenodo
43.0 Formatting changes
42.0 Formula determination year emissions neutrality changed
41.0 Error in macro "Goal Seek" corrected (RM-5 was skipped if no solution was found in RM-4)
40.0 Option use actual emissions 2020 inserted; reference error sheet "GER" EDGAR data corrected
39.0 Current figures for the Global Carbon Project in the "sample data" sheet
38.0 Calculation Budget redesigned according to SRU
37.1 Reference error in calculation of budgets according to SRU in sheet "GER" corrected
37.0 "GER" sheet added; EDGAR data updated in "sample data" sheet
36.0 Sheet "EU27" shifted to AR6
35.0 Central results IPCC AR6 inserted as PDF for download in the "sample data" sheet
34.0 Data from the European Environment Agency (EEA) updated (data for 2019 new; old data have changed slightly)