Conversion factor C > CO2: 3.67
Calculation of the global budget to be distributed here
input fields
Total global CO2 budget 2020 - 2100                       
global CO2 budget 2020 - 2100  in Gt Key findings on remaining CO2 budgets
of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Working Group 1:
see also sheet "updated budgets"
Global CO2 budget 2020 - 2100 excluding LUC and ISA                
global CO2 emissions excluding international shipping and aviation (ISA) and excluding land-use change (LUC) in 2019 (source: EDGAR) 36.7  Gt 86.1% Info
LUC emissions in 2019 (source: GCP) 4.6  Gt 10.8%
ISA emissions in 2019 (source: EDGAR)                 1.3  Gt 3.1%
CO2 emissions total in 2019 incl. LUC and ISA (sources: GCP and EDGAR)           42.7  Gt 100%
≈ CO2 emissions total in 2019 (source: GCP)             40.9  Gt  
global CO2 budget 2020 - 2100  650  Gt used in the sheet "EU EEA"
- LUC budget 2020 - 2100 enter the LUC budget 2020 - 2100 in Gt:  0 0% 0  Gt *
- ISA budget 2020 - 2100 how much should be reserved from the global budget?  3.2%   -21  Gt 3.2% Share of global emissions in 2019
= global CO2 budget 2020 - 2100 excluding LUC and ISA             629  Gt used in the sheet "all countries EDGAR"
LUC and ISA emissions must be subtracted when using the EDGAR database, as the emissions for all countries in the world do not include these emissions there. * For the determination of the LUC budget, see our separate paper:
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Global CO2 budgets 2016 - 2100 (back calculation)                  
global budget from 2020       650  Gt
+ global emissions 2016 - 2019       160  Gt  source: GCP
= global budget 2016 - 2100 incl. LUC and ISA     810  Gt used in the sheet "EU EEA"
- LUC actual emissions 2016 - 2019 -18  Gt  source: GCP
- LUC budget 2020 - 2100 0  Gt
- ISA actual emissions 2016 - 2019 -5  Gt  source: EDGAR
- ISA budget 2020 - 2100       -21  Gt 3.2%
= global budget 2016 - 2100 excl. LUC and ISA     766  Gt used in the sheet "all countries EDGAR"
Global Population                      
2019 7,712  Mill. P_BY source: EDGAR
2016 7,465  Mill.
Tools for determining global paths                      
Based on a predetermined global CO2 budget from 2020, the following web app can be used to calculate global emission paths with the RM Scenario Types:
Furthermore, an Excel tool is offered that provides even more input and analysis options:
The emission data required in these tools are given below:
global CO2 emissions
2018 40.33  Gt  Basis calculation start change rate in the web app  source: GCP
2019 (base year) 40.90  Gt
2020   38.54  Gt  For use in the corresponding Excel tool
2021   40.35  Gt
2022     40.66  Gt
2023 (projection)   40.90  Gt
reference year emissions 1990 27.71  Gt
2010 37.93  Gt
2015 40.41  Gt
see sheet "Data export" for easy copying of data
Info: web app for calculating linear global emission paths: