National paths based on a given national budget (Extended Smooth Pathway Model)
The following figures show the respective characteristics of the RM Scenario Types 1 - 6.
Cells shaded in yellow in the following sheets are input fields, where you can enter data.
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version: 12.09.2024 76.1 You can download the current version of the tool and the instruction to the tool from
DOI   10.5281/zenodo.4580310 Zenodo
Pdf file download icon Stock-Vektorgrafik | Adobe Stock
data status EDGAR: Sep. 24 Detailed instruction to the tool:
Pdf file download icon Stock-Vektorgrafik | Adobe Stock
Detailed description of the RM Scenario Types: Zenodo Background paper on the ESPM:
Version history
76.1 Sheet protection cancelled except for sheet ‘goal seek’, otherwise macros will not work
76.0 EDGAR emission data updated (now up to and including 2023); the start year for the change in rates is no longer set as 2020, but as the year after the last year with available actual emissions
75.0 In the sheet "output countries" 2050 vs. 2019 changed to 2040 vs. 2019; the macros in this sheet also contained a reference error, so that the value was not given for 2050 vs. 2019 but for 2045 vs. 2019
74.0 Minor changes
73.0 GCP emission datat updated (for information only)
72.0 New definition of "year emission neutrality" implemented; EDGAR emission data updated (now up to and including 2022)
71.0 Macro "Gool Seek" improved
70.0 Minor changes
69.0 VBA project (macros) signed with a certificate
68.0 Macro "Gool Seek" improved
67.0 GCP emission datat updated; minor other changes
66.0 RM-3 and RM-4 scenario types added to the "fig big six" sheet
65.0 EDGAR emission data updated (now up to and including 2021)
64.0 Formula determination year emission neutrality changed
63.0 Macro "Gool Seek" improved
62.0 Minor changes
61.0 Graphics sheet "fig big six" improved
60.0 Graphics sheet "fig big six" improved
59.0 LUC emissions 2019 updated (source: Global Carbon Project)
58.0 The sheet 'fig big six' with corresponding macros was added.
57.0 Using the calculated population figures from EDGAR instead of UN
56.0 EDGAR emission data updated; year emissions neutrality was partly wrong in the sheet "output countries" due to a reference error
55.0 A reference error regarding the reference values 2030 vs. 2019 has been corrected. This value is given in the sheet "output countries".
54.0 Minor changes
53.0 Conversion from IPCC SR15 to IPCC AR6